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Sunday 25 March 2012

Review: Kotobukiya Supergirl

Allow me to introduce Superman's cousin, Supergirl. She looks very much younger than Superman but in actual fact, she's the elder cousin assigned to look after Superman when their planet blows up. I wouldn't mind such a hot babe looking after me for all eternity. Her face proportion is the most natural among all other Bishoujo's figures, not being too slim and not being too round. Not sure if wearing makeup and fighting crimes go with each other, but she has that very prominent pink eyeliners.
She's blond, and Kotobukiya made it translucent once again. That antenna looks so cute and she has nice bangs.
Is it me or does all the Bishoujo's figures have this hair flowing back which looks like tentacles? Anyway it looks great going from a solid color to a transparent clear at the tips.
Count us lucky that Superman is wearing blue tights and red underpants, because that's what Supergirl adopted. Her costume's in the same blue as Superman which hugs her so tightly.
The official 'S' logo which stands for Super. She definitely has a super front.
The iconic red cloak which serves no purpose to aid in flying. Just a nice decoration with gold trims. The details of the waves on her cloak looks great.
She's showing off her belly button and I think you guys know how much I love belly buttons. The details of her golden belt looks great too, but her abdominals look so much yummier.
That's why I said we were lucky, instead of wearing the red underpants outside, she's wearing it inside and that's the only thing she's wearing underneath. Nice ass to go with too.
Matching red high boots to go with her long slim legs.
Here's Streaky peeking under Supergirl's skirt. It's sculpting is intentionally made rough to bring out the details of its fur.
Pinkish cloud-shaped diorama. It's also translucent and hollow inside.
The diorama looks great enough for the base to be a transparent round shape. Enough justification.
Supergirl's costume concept reminds me of a cheerleader's uniform. The details and shading are nice. Figure proportions are great and we'll get a cat as a sidekick this time round.

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