Figures Esper Introduction

This blog is specially created for anime figure collectors who like to Eat, Sleep, Play, an ESPer just like us. You can find reviews of figures and some items we have on hand that you may want to have.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Review: Kotobukiya Kaguya

First of all, I know nothing about the Shining series. I saw so many of their figures keep coming out, I just thought I should get one.
Well, Kaguya has the aura of a dancer with that outfit of hers. The head dress looks good with many pearl like thingies around her forehead area. Her spirit stone hangs around her neck is translucent purple. Her green hair band coils down from the back of her head to the two ends of her hair.
Big fluffy red ribbon in front of her dress. Looks cute.
Another exposed belly button. High cut dress showing off her thigh. I'll get to that part later.
Basically the white dress she's wearing is actually made of hard plastic. The feeling is a bit like matt glass. Everywhere there's gold trimmings, a very nice combination of colors.
Nice wristband and armband. The patterns are nice, the colors and details are great. Nice finger nails.
The other side. Look at how slim Kaguya is.
Her hair runs to her lower waist, another red ribbon at the back of her head. The lines of her hair are nice, gives a smooth silky look.
I like this part best. Admit it, you're the same. The high cut dress showing her fair smooth leg. Her knee bending slightly inward. It's so long and slender.
The bottom back of her dress with gold repeated triangle patterns around it.
Green leg bangles with sandals. My kind of home girl. But one thing I don't quite understand why is there no nail polish at the tip. Then why bother to show her toes. I can't find her ankles either.
Multi-layered white round base. With nothing on it. With absolutely nothing on it.
She's sweet, tall, fair and fashionable. The paintjob's rough, but I can make do with that. I've always known Kotobukiya's figures are fairly simple, plain but at least the sculpting is nice. Wish they put in more effort to the details of her feet.

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